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It's not a critique to decide that the creator's effort and work is all "bad" because it's not your kind of thing.
You're supposed to HELP the creator with the fictional work, not the opposite! And as long if it's safe and legal. XD
If I WANTED my wolf characters to look like that, and wanted more and more people to find and enjoy it, then it would be unfair and stifling to agree that I must never do this so the wrong audience can enjoy that instead. What about my targeted audience?
Which is when I compared that logic to my "ALL furry films" example.
Hell, even if it's possible to have both to enjoy, that's a bad sign because art is subjective, and trying to appeal to everyone will only limit creativity.

No, I was trying to use your fursona and Pokemon because it's exactly the same logic. That's why I said it I think.

Also, if my comment seems double, my bad. I ask for the other comment to be deleted if there is another comment similar.


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