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Reply to comment Why do I bother? You don't understand logic or how it works.

Listen, it is absolutely not "stifling creativity" to critique something, even if the conclusion of that critique is that something was done poorly, or even that it's bad. At amateur levels, it's someone giving their own opinion as part of the audience for that piece of media. At professional levels, it's a breakdown of the media's elements based on years of experience and understanding of the basics of the medium. Saying that's "stifling" creativity is like saying pointing out a spelling mistake is stifling the novelist. Critique is a pruning process without which "creativity" strangles and dies.

But none of this matters to you, it's obvious from your comments about my fursona to me and Pokemon to Rakuen are just emotional personal attacks (fursonal attacks?) because of your bizarre overattachment to characters from an unambitious movie based on long-debunked myths about wold behavior featuring characters that look almost entirely unlike the creatures they're supposed to represent.

Why do you keep logging out and logging back in? Are you abusing the rating system by voting twice, or something?


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