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I'm not saying it's legal because it's consensual.

Fear is not a valid answer to your argument, that's like saying we should ban ALL sex because of some future fear and emotional unsure.

If I knew there were two people having sex that was incest, and it was consensual, I would keep that consensual thing alone a secret because it's the right thing to do. It is morally wrong to throw those type of people in prison I think.
Besides, you can also avoid having babies even though I don't believe in governments controlling that.

If you still want to keep it illegal, then you're wanting two consenting happy people to be hurt by imprisonment. Well, I don't believe in retribution since it's hypocritical, but it's that you want them to suffer, if true, since they are happy and consenting alone because of some taboo relationship but with reasons you said.

Now if someone did something that does hurt or does something that threats to, then I myself would have a problem with that part.


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