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Because your comments are causing drama, and supports harassment of something outside this site. Anyone who 1-stared me for being against harassment, is a sad person. Same when they see that I'm defending a certain taboo (consensual adult incest) because they are offended by it.

Well, you 1-staring my comment for that reason is also another example of a problem. It shows more of how useless this rating system is.

It really depends what they are disagreeing. It also depends how. Stop using "disagreement" or "opinions" as if they are special tickets.
Though, it's funny that you use Trademark as some kind of insult, because honestly, it't not even an insult. It's a real agenda as proven in the past... so I don't see why the heck you are freaking out about it.

Let me ask you, why aren't you telling me who you are? Are you that person who makes every adult look like toddlers or not? That person is looks to be already proud of what you're doing in the past currently, and expose it to the public, so why not admit it if you are that person? It's like it doesn't matter to me.


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