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Oh please... If given the opportunity, you'd amend the Constitution so that any negative review or hypothetical revisions of Alpha & Omega would be grounds for life imprisonment or public execution (while adding a caveat that such sentences WOULDN'T be cruel and unusual punishment).

And yes, there IS hypocrisy. You go around saying that revenge is NEVER right, then you'll go and make public declarations about how someone is worse than a pedophile if they called you a bad name. Even MORE hypocritical (and outright laughable) is how dragging people through the dirt is always your knee-jerk reaction to anyone saying anything remotely negative about you, and you'll lump them into the ever-growing pile of the "Special Hate Agenda" against you... then you'll profess how acting out on your emotions is just wrong. lol

RE: "fictional pairing" - Nobody was attacking anybody for creating a "fictional pairing". They were objecting to the idea of RUNT GETTING HIS AUNT LILY PREGNANT. Sure, the writer of that infamous fanfic is free to write whatever subject matter he wants, but at the same time, the readers are free to call it squicky if they regard it as such. Don't like it? Too bad. That's what happens in the world of free speech. Grow a thicker skin and stop crying "bigot!" or "SJW!" just because someone said something you don't like.


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