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Well, you damn sure won't be able to count me among them. And there's a lot of furries that would say this guy was just asking for it. Politics, even local politics, is fucking war. You use literally everything you can against not just opponents from other parties, but competitors within your party. And if you don't, frankly, you ought to be playing a different game. At the very least, even people who are otherwise sympathetic will largely think he's a damn fool for not doing a better job at keeping his online life private. Usually, it takes a lot more work (and in some cases just dumb/bad luck) to ruin someone's career like this. There's people who get away with terrible things who do a far better job of covering their tracks. For example, Jared Fogle never would've been busted if it weren't for one of his friends being investigated, and Jared's major blunder was appointing that person to a position in the charity he founded.

There's furries who have to be more cautious (or even downright paranoid) for fear of losing their job flipping burgers just because of who they are in their private life and what they do online. If the law, and more importantly the market is against them by design, somehow I doubt they're going to be all that sympathetic to someone much more privileged blowing their chance at the kind of life some of them would kill for because he forgot how the world actually fucking works.

LGBT people still face rampant discrimination and even violence which large parts of society rationalizes by calling it a "lifestyle choice". Well, being a furry pretty much is a lifestyle choice. One that a lot of people leave behind the minute they enter the working world for reasons that the article you linked demonstrates perfectly. And it's highly unlikely that even being a furry with a grocery list of fetishes will get him assaulted or killed.


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