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So Patch finally got to you? (I'm like 95% sure it's Patch. No one else even cares about that old thread) Equivamp gave a pretty concise and accurate summary so I can expand a bit but there's not really much to add.

There was a study from the University of Hawaii which looked at sexual offences against children in the Czech Republic during some government issues where child porn was legal for a couple years. What they saw was that child sexual abuse decreased over that period while other crimes remained constant. That finding was similar to what had been seen in other countries, raising the possibility that the availability of child porn decreased the number of sexual offences committed against children.

My thread just took the question from another person's blog that if we want to minimise the number of children who are victims of sexual abuse then its possible that legalising child porn which has already been produced could lead to a reduction in child abuse cases.

That's why its strange that, if it were true, he would be saying "anyone concerned about child welfare focuses on actual children" while completely rejecting even contemplating an idea which has some evidence of helping actual children. I think others have also suggested similar ideas with computer generated imagery so there is no child harmed at any point but it should still lead to a reduction in actual cases of child abuse.

Contrary to what he says, I never suggested (or even talked about) legalisation of any sort of rape. I'm very much against non-fictional rape. I also never promoted or endorsed child porn. I don't even think I said I was in favour of this suggestion!

"If all mankind minus one, were of one opinion, and only one person were of the contrary opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person, than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."
~John Stuart Mill~


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