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Oh, sorry you picked that up from my writing, must be an unconscious thing in your head. It is not the end of times; if anything, what I wrote speaks of a cycle that is doomed to repeat itself over and over. Right now is this, but then it'll be another thing.

My current concerns for a possible downfall of modern society involve a Sino-American war, a new space race, and rampant development of AI. Not social struggles, we have those every 40 or 50 years.

What I mean about consequences is that we will be all swept in this inevitable change. And as evolution goes, either you change, or your whole chemical structure does - into compost. Again, happens every lifetime or so.

And this will not be the change you want. It is the one you're struggling against. Maybe that's why you talk about an end of times = you'd much rather face the end than face change.

And yet it moves.


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