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I once got banned from FA for being vitriolic in my anti-cub sentiment. I shouldn't have been. But I also shouldn't have blindly assumed anyone who defends cub is doing anything illegal/wrong, or that they are a pedophile. Because if your interest doesn't extend beyond cub art, that is to say, anthros, you're really not. It's not that much different than how some people are slightly turned on by male anthros but are otherwise completely straight IRL. Sexuality is incredibly nuanced like that.

I don't exactly like the guy but given how arbitrary and full of shit most furry sites are (or rather, their staff), the fact he was banned from one or even many doesn't exactly sway my opinion one way or the other. Might help to provide some actual examples.

As it stands, I can't tell if this is just an ad hominid attack (my term I just made up because I come from a highly educated university, do not fucking steal!) based on something you speculate about the author or if you're trying to tie two otherwise unrelated beliefs of his together.

So far, what I get from him is that he's incredibly naive, but wants what he thinks is the right thing for the ultimate benefit of all. If he's just the kind of person to defend cub enthusiasts/artists out of a "freedom of expression above all else" mentality - which, BTW, was ostensibly FurAffinity's own stance at one point, so much that it was their motto, something I seem to be the only person left alive who remembers that - that alone doesn't mean he himself is into it.

So if you got real dirt on somebody, spill it. Otherwise it looks like baseless accusations that are personally motivated. Which I'm actually all for, but make it obvious by calling him a doody head or something.


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