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You're right that very few people apologize on the internet or show contrition. And you are also right that 2 is not the worst. I have seen that he has posted videos about his efforts to overcome alcohol and that is comendable. That being said, words have meaning. He could have redemption if he wanted it but he simply doesn't want it. He has too much pride.

Yes, there are shit people on the internet who will try to stop someone from redeeming themselves but those people are not in the majority. Most are willing to accept it. I have seen it work it is a very powerful thing. But the person has to want it. He doesn't want it.

He has put out videos that have demeaned me and people like me. Do you expect me to cheer that on? I have no choice but to react negatively to him, and his position thus far has been to embrace that negativity. He feeds off it, and uses it to satisfy his audience. Again, what would you have me do?

All I can do in good conscience is not support him or his shows. If someday he decides to become a changed man I could get behind that. But until then I don't want to have anything to do with him.


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