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I have read quite a bit of 2's Twitter feed and watched a couple of his videos. From his Twitter feed I have noticed that he appears to be at best very intellectually dishonest. He routinely throws out claims and accusations that, after they are debunked, he then refuses to retract or pretends he never said. Through all my review of his Twitter I never once saw him admit to being wrong about anything or apologize for anything.

He is enabled to some degree by his many followers who immediately leap to his defense no matter what he says or does.

As for his videos, I haven't watched all but some. He does have a clever style to him and he knows how to satirize effectively. I understand his popularity with some of the fandom. I get what he is doing, but I personally find a lot of his ideas repugnant and in some cases despicable.

The thing is, his brand of humor is not meant for me. He knows that too and he wouldn't apologize for it if asked. Glad he's not allowed to perform at AC anymore and if he is performing at any other con I attend I will steer clear of his show.


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