I'm not quite finished reading the WikiFur article on it but I've been reading through it and holy shit, man... This is what gets me about a lot of furry non-fiction writing, and why I'm sometimes oddly grateful WikiFur doesn't aim for the same degree of cold, clinical objectivity as Wikipedia. Because if it did, truths like these just would never get told with this kind of artistry. Seriously, that's the first time in years I've heard anyone say "fit of pique" yet I'm hard pressed to think of a better expression for what it's describing, this propensity furries and subculture nerds in general have for destroying their creation(s) in a moment of childish lashing out. And I know that's exactly what it was because I've done it, and seen plenty of others do it, and entire communities be irreparably damaged by it.
I want to strangely feel sorry for these people but it feels too much like feeling sorry for myself which is probably what is at the root of most of these "purges" and other outbursts. And really it all reminds me of the Soup Nazi episode.
You know, how an immature conflict with a guy with a few too many stupid rules leads to the exposure of his secrets and him doing the soup equivalent of "leaving the fandom 4ever" after throwing away everything he worked for...
I'm not quite finished reading the WikiFur article on it but I've been reading through it and holy shit, man... This is what gets me about a lot of furry non-fiction writing, and why I'm sometimes oddly grateful WikiFur doesn't aim for the same degree of cold, clinical objectivity as Wikipedia. Because if it did, truths like these just would never get told with this kind of artistry. Seriously, that's the first time in years I've heard anyone say "fit of pique" yet I'm hard pressed to think of a better expression for what it's describing, this propensity furries and subculture nerds in general have for destroying their creation(s) in a moment of childish lashing out. And I know that's exactly what it was because I've done it, and seen plenty of others do it, and entire communities be irreparably damaged by it.
I want to strangely feel sorry for these people but it feels too much like feeling sorry for myself which is probably what is at the root of most of these "purges" and other outbursts. And really it all reminds me of the Soup Nazi episode.
You know, how an immature conflict with a guy with a few too many stupid rules leads to the exposure of his secrets and him doing the soup equivalent of "leaving the fandom 4ever" after throwing away everything he worked for...