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Socrates was teacher; so was Jesus. His ideas are kind of important.

So, actually, no that's a bullshit answer that's already been handled by Christian apologists since at least C.S. Lewis. He was an atheist. He could see that the evidence that Jesus was the son of God was sketchy. He wrote an entire book of poetry about atheism before his conversion.

His novel The Silver Chair is all about the challenge of atheism and the possibility that their is no God. And in that novel, the answer given by a character is straightforward.

The historical fact that Jesus walked the earth approximately 2000 years ago is the one goddamned thing I DON'T take on faith and actually have evidence for. Whether or not he was the son of God, we can argue, but fuck, we actually got this one, Rakuen, and you're being the dogmatic going with no evidence.


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