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While the point is valid, I do feel this is a poorly constructed article on the topic. In an attempt to not name names, the background explanation is very poor. The lack of documentation in logs or screenshots is understandable but also lends to a "I totes saw this, guys!" impression being made.

Is the author probably right? Yeah, I believe him. But the way this article is presented makes it seem like he is the instigator of a problem, rather than reporting on one and trying to get a major thing fixed.

I'm hesitant to offer suggestions on how it may have been fixed because this is something I don't have experience with.

We're seeing a new Burned Furs fight, but Alt-Furry (which includes some older Burned Furs)learned the lesson from last time - don't be the aggressor, be the establishment. That way those who aren't aware of the issues will see those fighting the Alt-Furry as wanting to exclude members.

This concerns me. Maybe I'm too concerned, but I've got a reason to be extra sensitive to this sort of thing.


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