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I can also name people who left SPR because the place became personally toxic to them. And yes, there was transphobic BS being spewed. And yes, the wizard in question is someone who believes that 'BLM' is "racism against white people", defended George Zimmerman, and most tellingly helped drive someone out so they could take over a popular muck location and change the rules there to their own liking. But since you stopped coming, you weren't around to witness that. However, you certainly seem intent on denying it happened.

And here's a direct quote from one of the people who left SPR - "My only advice re SPR is to get out. The less personal info about you they have, the safer you are."

Plus, my personal politics are moderate left for Europe. I've been attacked for not being left-wing enough. But I find it weird that you start off attacking me for being an agitator, then end with saying you encourage more antfa types to join the muck. I guess so long as they don't actually say or do anything that might upset anyone?


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