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It's like, tiger's gotta pounce.

But you're arguing this wrong, if you're really arguing from a free speech perspective. I mean, you're taking the stance that this is fringe versus fringe with your "leftist" rhetoric; it's not. The alt-right is a fringe; fuck, it's name literally means "an alternative to the right", meaning it's opposed to the regular right just as much as it's opposed the left. It's a fringe versus the world. I mean, if there's an "all sides" to this debate, it's that; all sides are against the alt-right, because the alt-right is against all sides.

Which doesn't really mean a damn thing in the free speech thing; as your own quote points out, it's still a fringe's right to not be silenced. But then why in the fuck did you bring up the left at all? Because you're using rhetoric that picks a goddamn side, it sound like you picked a goddamn side, Rakuen.

Maybe, don't do that?


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