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Sonious, nobody told me personally, as I pointed out above the 14 February 2018 article by Samantha Baars identifies a citizen of Fairfax Virginia having one rejected already.

>Evans has filed a motion seeking a court order under the Freedom of Information Act that the city of Charlottesville and Commonwealth’s Attorney Joe Platania unseal the videos shown in an open courtroom at Fields’ December 14 preliminary hearing, and make them available to the public.

>“The precedent is pretty clear across the entire country, both in the Supreme Court and in federal courts and in the state courts that statutes like this, when you show something like this to a portion of the public in a public setting, at that point you don’t have the right as a government entity to withhold it from anybody else who asks for it,” says Evans.

As for the document, from page 2 has the date the request was sent and the date of the response:

> 7. That on December 15, 2017, and then again on December 26, 2017, Evans sent requests
under VFOIA to the City, asking “to inspect or obtain copies” of two public records in the
possession of the City that were released to the public at the preliminary hearing of James Alex Fields on December 14, 2017.

> 9. That in its January 2, 2018 response, the City withheld the video recordings under VFOIA § 2.2-3706(A)(2)(a), which allows a public body like the City to, in its “discretion”, withhold public records that are part of “criminal investigative files”.

Given that Baars bothered to consult Gernhardt about this, I expect she did enough diligence to ascertain that Evans had actually sent the request and received a rejection to it. Do you think CVILLE magazine has dishonest editors? Do you take issue with any other articles at ?

I don't know if he's actually shared copies. I don't know why he would share them with ME. A reporter with a specialty in FOIA would have a better likelihood of getting cooperation.


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