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Thanks for the reply Sonious.

>Since denials to requests should be public record and were sent to you, do you have a copy of said decline?

I'm not an American citizen so I don't think I have the right to make FOIA requests. There's an article about a man from Fairfax Virginia having his FOIA appeals denied from February 2018:

I would be very interested in the opinion of this (real) journalist on this matter. My guess is that William Evans would be more forthcoming sharing that document with this journalist than in sharing it with me. No need to add an unnecessary middle step.

>My guess is that they returned a "what you're asking for doesn't exist"

If that were the case it would be a lie, the existence of Berke Bates' video recording was entered into public record by Platania and Antony back in December in the pre-trial hearing:

> In an eerie aspect of Thursday's hearing, the primary video that prosecutor Nina-Alice Antony showed in court was footage recorded from a Virginia State Police helicopter whose two crew members, Lt. H. Jay Cullen and Trooper Pilot Berke M.M. Bates, were monitoring the demonstration. About three hours after the airborne officers witnessed Fields's alleged attack and followed his vehicle as it sped away, the helicopter crashed while Cullen and Bates were flying to another assignment, killing both men. The cause of the crash is under investigation.

It's also been affirmed by interviewed Colonel W. Steven Flaherty 17 August 2017 article:

> Flaherty said Bates captured video of the pursuit after a driver plowed into a crowd of people during the violence in Charlottesville.
>> "We caught the murderer because of the work [he] was doing."
> Flaherty said the video will be used as evidence in that case.

The colonel's affirmation may have been what prevented them from simply destroying the video and denying it survived the crash. This means they simply have to seal it and hope people forget about it, or at least delay its release long enough to allow it to be professionally doctored.


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