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Equivamp you have shared some false information here. Heather Heyer did not die as a result of a car hitting her. She can clearly be seen collapsing on her own as the car drives by about 5 feet to her right.

Her mother told the press she died of a heart attack. Coroner's office said COD was blunt force trauma to death, with exact causes unknown.

There are 3 visible candidates for this in the video:

1) when Heather collapses, her chest visibly collides into her knees under her own weight.
2) a civilian gives chest compressions to her
3) paramedics give chest compressions to her

Any of these could have caused chest injuries to compound whatever health problems she was suffering when she collapsed.

As a smoker who was obese on a hot day wearing black she was bound to be suffering, and the shock of the crowd she was in attacking a car and the car fighting back could have caused her to pass out or have a heart attack.

She could possibly have recovered if not for the blunt force trauma. I hope they find out what caused it. I'm hoping it was self-inflicted because it would be a shame for the good samaritan or paramedics to have caused her death, though these are strong possibilities because both were pushing very hard.


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