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This is so off base it isn't even apples and oranges, it's apples and tanks. Militant resistance was very important. Partisans killed Mussolini, jewish ghettos had armed uprising, the Spanish civil war was the first fight against fascism that held out against it for 10 years or more. The fact that it wasn't enough implies nothing about tactics "losing" short of needing a world war. It means they were simply overwhelmed while other nations sat on their hands.

To put it another way, ordinary citizens weren't backed by the power of industry like the fascists - IBM, Ford, etc were complicit, it was all profit to them. "Fascism is another word for corporatism", to use a quote misattributed to Mussolini. There is a way to check that power- organized labor. Hitler's first act while consolidating power was to crush it before getting down to the blitzkrieg business. So peaceful resistance also "failed", to use your term. More like it was stamped out. Being passive simply got you turned into hamburger on a shorter schedule.

""The Left gives fascists a reason to feel like victims by engaging in militant resistance" is the hottest liberal garbage take I've seen" - useful thread.


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