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"government-sanctioned parties need to be abolished from politics" makes no sense TBH. Direct-democracy or anarchism are one thing but the US has a federal republic.

"It's hard for people to realize that Hitler was the will of the German people at the time, so if you were to get rid of Hitler, someone else would have lit that fire just as hard, in my opinion"

Hitler was under President von Hindenburg. He was the Chancellor and not head of government, and was appointed to the office not elected in 1933. That wasn't at all uncontroversial. He fought a lot of resistance to pose as a conventional politician at the same time as denying responsibility for violence by the SA wing AKA the Brownshirts. (It was the two-faced nature of all fascists).

A month after he was sworn in, he used the Reichstag Fire as an excuse to push emergency powers that set the constitution aside. In 1934 came the Night of the Long Knives when he purged the SA wing for being competitors to his power. (The SA was led by Ernst Rohm, gay nazi, who was purged for being a power threat, not for being gay - it's useful to make note of it.)

Hindenberg was old and in ill health when he ran against Hitler and won in 1932. Things were so unstable that he returned to the office despite his health. He died in 1934, and with his rivals dead, Hitler seized the opportunity to leave the presidency vacant and call himself head of state.

It would be naive to the point of irresponsibility to call that "the will of the people". Hitler and the Nazi Party pushed their power through against resistance, by incrementally destabilizing a weakened system from within, acting two-faced at every step.

Some reflection on this stuff can be useful in a niche fandom.

1) Altfurry's playbook of two-faced tactics is very old, and useful to know.

2) Many heads of cons and websites can't be bothered to sort out who is acting in good faith and who isn't. In some ways it's too much work - defusing bullshit can be orders of magnitude more work than generating it. (See: the Altfurry attack against Califur and lack of response we've seen so far.) Or they're simply spineless.

3) "The people" do have power to do what heads of cons or websites won't. Call out the bullshit and refuse to legitimize it. Don't treat it as jokes, don't be their friends, don't do business with them. Hold enablers responsible until they grow a spine. Any time you see two-facedness, use the punk scene guideline and "take them at face value". If they play nazis for the lulz, treat them as nazis and don't let them dodge and deflect or get a break in any way.

They're slimy as hell and they'll wriggle around and try to loop you into a series of games (the neverending show-me-the-proof loop, the "just reasonable discussion race-realism" game, "but muh free speech" etc). It's games to push incrementally, that's why the tactics are described as fascist creep and cryptofascism. ("Dog whistling" is the most furry term involved.) Refer back to 1) and send them to where the Burned Furs went.

AK Press's "Against the Fascist Creep" is getting great reviews and they have a deal on it until Aug 31.

Special note, when you rate comments here you're doing a mild form of what this suggests. Sorting by quality. Deleting my comment would be the same deal, I can just go post it on my own site. Nazis getting their sites taken down or denied payment services doesn't stop them from having free speech either. They might just have to send it on paper by mail like back in the olden days they want back, when bigotry was more acceptable. Good. Their lying deserves no platform whatsoever, in the same sense as fake science that does harm. We don't need to hear out anti-vaxxer conspiracies that made measles come back either.


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