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Unfortunately, given the political environment of Germany at that time, removing Hitler may not have prevented the blood lust of a country angry from losing a war, and going through a economic depression.

It's hard for people to realize that Hitler was the will of the German people at the time, so if you were to get rid of Hitler, someone else would have lit that fire just as hard, in my opinion.

So it's best to figure out what causes systems to allow a Hitler-type to take power and do whatever means you can to prevent it systemically.

I think the US has some measures, however they have been eroded somewhat over time given our three branch system eroding to a two-party branch system. But given Trump's pattern of behavior, he may have actually reset us to a three-branch government, because people in Congress and especially the Judicial (with the "so-called" judge comment and the recent pardon) don't like him that much.

However to me it is a highlight that government-sanctioned parties need to be abolished from politics. The people can call themselves what they want, but as soon as you're running for office you are running for the office. Not as a Democrat or Republican, but as a person. If people are too dumb to know what issues you stand for without a letter next to your name on a ballet, then they really shouldn't be voting.


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