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Right, which is why our country has vetting processes and also when we discover migrants which are being parasitic (because acting in criminal ways gets you negative attention, go figure) we have ICE to take care of those. But I think the anger doesn't stop at the merely criminal; but the believe that all migrants are providing a service lesser than one's own and that one's service cannot improve in the slightest. If that is the case it is that stagnation and laziness in believing one is God's gift to whatever task they do that will result in their ultimate termination.

Do not take your job for granted, keep your creative mind working. Be cunning and full of tricks, because when they catch you they will kill you, but first they must catch you. And believing that you should have it just because you believe that your quality is better is a false comfort.

The saddest thing is that computers are going to fuck over both the "parasitic migrants" and the "patriots" both, especially if our economic systems keep all their eggs in the "compensation only goes toward labor" basket which will eventually be replaced by machines. And if we're still going to be blaming and killing migrants over that misconception; then I guess our Sci-Fi about robots killing humans directly is false. Instead the robots will just do their tasks while humans blame one another, and wages wars on one another, for taking all the jobs robots stole from them.


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