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Since this BPS character was brought up, I thought I would link this extensive analysis done by the Shorenstein Center on him and similar alt right voices on the internet. It speaks directly to the point I was making to Greenreaper earlier about the break down of of the concept of "marketplace for ideas."

"Black Pigeon Speaks presents a nearly complete world view capable of explaining anything from mass migration to the operation of banks. Though the root cause can always be traced to the Jewish transnational conspiracy being perpetrated by the Rothschilds, George Soros and presumably many others, there are other immediate causes such as the behavior of the Federal Reserve itself, the mainstream media, leftists who control universities—and women!"

The article goes on to discuss the fact that youtube has become the medium of choice for the alt right since it allows them to bypass all intellectual debate or discourse and allows for pure unfiltered propaganda to their followers. The idea that this type of discourse in any way resembles a marketplace of ideas seem kinda ridiculous to me. The closer we edge toward North Korean style propaganda as news where everyone simply tunes into their own personal "dear leader" for all their information on the world, the closer we will get to complete break down of society.


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