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The alt-right is a USA cultural thing, but all this political drama is just another sign that the furry community is growing into a real culture. It's the first time ever that furries are divided over serious political issues rather than "fandom politics" nobody else cares about. The drama may be unpleasant to witness for those who don't want to get involved, but in my opinion it is a good thing. Any community revolving around things that actually matter is bound to stumble into real world political issues sooner or later and the furry community revolves around a lot of stuff that matters - self expression, self exploration, sexual tolerance, questioning human taboos, questioning cultural anthropocentrism, etc.

As a pure hobby community (assuming it has ever been that) furry was sheltered from this kind of stuff but that's no longer the case... you can't deal with powerful good ideas without also dealing with powerful bad ideas.


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