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Income inequality is most certainly rising in the U.S. Costs of living are growing faster than wages for the middle class. At the same time, certain high wealth groups are increasing their wealth at an escalating rate. Many individuals made enormous amounts of money after the recession. In particular, there was much money to be made in bottomed out real estate. Indeed, one of the cabinet members of our current administration made many millions of dollars foreclosing on thousands of Americans' homes. Those people who were foreclosed upon don't just disappear... Similarly, many companies used the recession to replace American workers with robots or increase their outsourcing of jobs outside of the U.S. to cheaper labor markets. Again, those people don't disappear. The fact that the recession was one big event that served as cover for many practices of shifting wealth up toward high wealth individuals has perhaps created somewhat of a "perfect storm" for radicalization I suppose. But yes, the income gap is rapidly growing in the U.S. just as it is growing in most places.


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