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This in driving terms could be seen as a bit of an over-correction. This is coming from someone who in 2012 had criticized this fandom of overusing the Drama word and having it obscure real issues and problems. In fact looking at the comments of it, you'll find a lot of irony abound given how some of the commentators have shifted beliefs between then and now. Including Perri, who advocated for furries reporting issue and Patch who didn't see any problems in the fandom. It has been 4 years though, so.

Perri's comments are particularly interesting given she was complaining about 2 fans being angry for being critical at her, and now she's one of the biggest advocates for defending him now that he's lost popularity.

And then there's this quote... which made me palm...

One such issue is that some consider it politically incorrect to refer to anything made before 1980 as Furry. Another is the "It must be made by a Furry to be called Furry" issue. Along with other hotly contested but relatively trivial issues over which political types will offer incredible amounts of pressure to get you to go along with their point of view.

But that is the true nature of Furry politics. It is all about fandom issues that the outside world would regard as trivial in the extreme. I don't foresee it ever escalating into the range Sonious has projected. --2012 Perri Rhodes; Visionary director of the Furry Raiders in 2017

Oh Perri... if you only knew... the irony...

There is a fake quote attributed to Winston Churchill about saying one has to sacrifice art when fighting the Nazis and him responding "Then what are we fighting for?"

And while Churchill may never have said this quote then, I think I agree with it now. I will fight against Nazism, but I don't want to loose the spirit of creativity and understanding that the fandom provides in the process. Because then, what are we fighting for?


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