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If that 2% of the fandom is generating 25% of the newsworthy content, then shame on the other 98% because their laziness may be the thing that is drawing attention to the other 2%.

But then again, when you do the expected thing it doesn't draw attention I suppose. We don't give praise to those doing the right thing as much as we give condemnation for those doing the wrong thing, which may lead to the culture in which doing the wrong thing becomes more tempting because doing the right thing gets you nothing? This may be why some of those desperate to be remembered in some regard flood to these groups, they are desperate for attention, perhaps?

I mean, let's take the Furrydelphia piece. Green put it up because, hey look, the non-furry press got their facts wrong so it was a good opportunity to point out how wrong they were. If they weren't wrong would we have run a piece on it? If the answer is no, then shame on us. We should be covering pilot events like that in any regard.

Think of this as not me asking that less be published here, I think if there are going to be a lot of alt-furry news, I am going to try my best to get more news published that has nothing to do with them in hopes that maybe the good in the fandom can truly overcome the hindering.


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