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I would agree that we should be not giving too much counter-service to the alt-right furries. I believe they are a minority of furs and while I do oppose them and their ideas, particularly of white supremacy but also of how they wish to change and mold conservationism to those views even further than they already are.

However, also, at the end of the day obsessing over them to the point of eclipsing the enjoyment in normal fandom activities would also be helping them just as much as joining their ranks personally. They want us obsessing and forgetting the things we found fun in life. They want us to be as miserable as they are, and to spread anger as a result of that misery, just as their leader want them to do.

This is why I will be talking to staff about if we should be limiting these pieces surrounding the alt-right, because we already have another one in the pipeline dealing with infiltration of the group in European based MUCKs. It's not that I'm against giving supremacists heck, but don't let them give your psyche heck either, you don't have to spend 100% of your time fighting them, because they will try to make you look like the obsessive one who is not living a joyful life outside of combating them.

I don't think it would be helpful to have 25% of the pieces on this site be about 2% of the fandom that runs counter to the fandom's culture of tolerance.

Heck 25% of furries are bronies, and we certainly don't run anywhere close to that amount of pieces on MLP.


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