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How many actual views do sites that aren't FA get, though? I've tried looking up the stats for the "competition" and most come up "too low to calculate". So it shouldn't be too hard to see why people think FA is especially egregious in both its actions and lack thereof.

By the way, I've never argued they shouldn't be allowed to say their piece, only that we should be allowed to say ours in kind.

I should point out something here. Summercat has pretty much never had anything nice to say about me. Yet I feel like I have to take his side because, well, this is one issue where we find ourselves on the same side. My point is that some ideals are bigger than the people involved, and whether the staff of a given site want it to be that way or not, their actions/inactions send a message about what side they're on. And, from my experience, staff of furry sites tend to be completely tone-deaf in how they address (or don't) speech that "flies just under the radar".

You don't have to name names to attack targeted individuals. That's kind of why we have a concept of "hate speech" that doesn't include just any old angry rants about how much the world pisses you off.


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