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At the end of the day, who's "space" is it? Not mine, not theirs, but the owners or the people entrusted with representing them in the form of admins/mods. Mods who don't give a shit about or are completely oblivious to the reality most people live in. People who will seriously tell a Jewish person they don't have a right to lash out at someone defending Nazism, while defending said Nazi sympathizer's "free speech" to lash out at anyone with any common sense or decency through their rhetoric.

It never occurs to them (or you, apparently) that demanding the rest of us be tolerant of the intolerant out of some misplaced idealism or sympathy is what triggers the disruption and, inevitably, causes people to get fed up with the forums altogether.

If you're going to allow heated rhetoric, but not heated arguments, there's simply no way around it, you make your site look like a safe-space for everyone but the people being targeted by said speech. Not everyone has the luxury of being able to safely assume "he's not really talking about me there".


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