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To be fair I don't think Trump is FOR Nazis. His daughter is Jewish so unless he wants her to go to the camps, I doubt he'd put himself in that position.

However, I do think he is pro-confederate/white supremacist because his father was an affluent member of the Ku Klux Klan. I can see Trump being the kind to want to appease his dad's ghost. He's worried that those men with racism will be erased by history, because then his father will be erased.

But here's the thing. Given enough time we will ALL be erased. We've had 45 presidents, and despite the prestige that comes with that and supposed "historical immortality" (at least in the US), I am sure if you went about and asked; less than 10% of Americans could probably not list more than 25% of the presidents that served.

Time swallows us all. Fearing that leads to foolishness in life.


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