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I'm not so sure anymore. Wal-Mart is starting to cash in on the growing mainstream acknowledgment of the fandom with their Maskimals brand of cheap fursuit heads. I saw them in the store a couple weekends ago and they were in a prominent location right in the middle of the aisle in front of the tvs and other electronics.

Also, I don't know if you have heard of the "Enchantimals" toys and animated shorts, but it's basically partial furry girls who have an animal partner. I saw it on youtube the other day and was kind of amazed. It's got a fairly significant toy set. I don't know if the people behind it are trying to get in on the furry merchandise business at the ground floor or if they just are co-opting Kemono Friends before that show hits American tv. If you don't know about Kemono friends, it's a recent Japanese anime that is like a massive success right now in Japan. Its about a bunch of animals in an animal park that got transformed into sort of furry girls (animal ears and tails and some furry features, but otherwise have human characteristics). I expect that show is in the planning stages for its U.S. debut, and if it is as big of a hit in the U.S. as it was in Japan, we will probably see more mainstreaming of furry stuff.


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