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"So their choice here may warrant a look into investigating these kind of decisions."

May? I think it certainly does. The ONLY possible way to read my initial violations (For which there would have been no suspension, regardless if you can take "Punch some Nazis" as a threat) is if "Nazi" is treated equivalent to race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation.

"what lines are drawn and where they are drawn."

Had I given a threat to any individual on the site, I would have been in the wrong. Assault is illegal (and if I commit it, I do so knowing the consequences). If being a Nazi is an opinion, then saying someone is a Nazi Apologist is an opinion too, yes?

Had I said "All Republicans should be punched", I would have been in the wrong. Heck, there can be an argument for "I want to kick all Republicans in the balls" as being in the wrong.

But, what I said? That shouldn't be in the wrong.

"Nazis are mentally deranged. They're Nazis. They fly the flag, they do the salute, the espouse the philosophy; a rhetoric of exclusion, intolerance, hatred, and genocide."

The only way this could have been a violation of the rules, is if Nazis are treated as a protected group. Which, according to Dragoneer's response to my appeal, they are.

That's not where the line should be.


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