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I got this Friday.

Warning Given from Quoting Mungo:
Code of Conduct, Section 1.8 - Do not engage in malicious speech.
This includes bigotry and disparaging remarks or content about anyone's race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, etc. This does not apply to fictional works.

You have done this by posting the following comments:

"Nazis are mentally deranged. They're Nazis. They fly the flag, they do the salute, the espouse the philosophy; a rhetoric of exclusion, intolerance, hatred, and genocide."


"I'm reminded of the comic where a guy, once being told to fuck off for saying something retarded, says "Jokes on him, I was only pretending."

So either they're actual Nazis, or just acting like them and pretending to hold those opinions in an attempt to get a rise out of people. There's no functional difference at that point, because both those who legitimately hold those values and those who only pretend to are both still acting and speaking upon those values."

As such, this is a Warning Notice (1st Offense). As part of this administrative action, the cited comments have been hidden by site staff.

While we allow for a great deal of artistic and literary freedom, we must ask that your content abide by Fur Affinity’s guidelines. Please be more careful in the future. Thank you for your time.


Administrator, Code of Conduct Enforcement


I filed a trouble ticket to appeal this, and was later suspended for further Anti-Nazi comments. I appealed it and got a rejection, and part of the rejection addressed this issue:

"Concerning malicious speech, which was not cited in this penalty but a previous incident, the rule ends in "etc" and our staff may act with discretion. On Fur Affinity, we do not want anyone to assault anyone else in the community with hateful commentary. This is not a stand on any political issue or side, but a policy that applies to everyone."

At no point did I issue a threat to any member of the community, or do anything aside call people apologists and defenders - for apologizing or defending Nazis, particularly by saying it was just a difference of opinion or that I just didn't like them.

Do note that these were comments on my submission or journals, and that I made no attempt to contact the users after blocking them. People were coming to my submission (Of a character of mine punching a Nazifur) to say "You shouldn't punch Nazis, that's bad". Those comments were left alone. Nearly every comment that was positive towards punching Nazis was hidden and the commentors warned.

I'm Jewish. I'm a little more sensitive towards Nazism than most, and I think I've got a historical justification for it.


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