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That or the admin actually sympathizes with their views and/or happens to be a close friend. Virtually everything on that site comes down to favoritism and, I hate to say it, but because the majority of furries are white, I've always believed they're part of the problem, creating institutional racism in the fandom by simply not giving a shit beyond platitudes of the fandom somehow being "above" racism.

Christ, just a week or two ago I ran into Dragoneer of all people on r/furry talking about how race really isn't a thing in the fandom because "we're more obsessed with dragons and wolves etc".

He was saying this in response to a post from a visible minority, a black person, saying in his own direct experience, he's unsure if he can really have a place in the fandom.

That's what these fucking whites always do, dismiss anyone's experience but their own because they wrote the damn history books.


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