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Suspended? Let me guess, for calling racists what they are? Yeah, I've been banned from SoFurry twice now for the "personal attack" of calling a racist a racist. Because that's a direct insult, whereas they shit they were saying was just bigoted, vitriolic generalities. I guess the logic is, "racist" is this horrible, terrible thing you never want to be called, but all the shit people actually say that makes that such a negative term is fine, as long as it's not personally directed at anyone on a given forum. It's such sound logic I can't believe most furry forums barely have any activity anymore!

It seems like most furries are moving away even from the sites proper and sticking to Twitter, YouTube, etc because what little moderation there is there seems to have some semblance of common sense.

I've been banned from so many things so many times for so many stupid reasons I just don't care anymore.


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