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You're not going to get a serious answer. If you get any answer at all. The simple, if painful reality of it is, most furries have virtually zero direct experience with issues of racism in their own lives. That's why they often refuse to take a real stand. At the end of the day, the way they see it, they don't really have a dog in that race, and besides, the worst thing in the world is having people think you're wrong about something which obviously a lot of furries will. So they see it as the safest bet to just clam up once the "let's be tolerant for the sake of tolerance even if it means tolerating the intolerant" routine gets called out for what it is.

You know what the real appeal of the alt-right is for some furries? It comes across as a reaction to a fandom that's often more concerned with looking right than being right. And there are two things this generation hates above almost all else: censorship and hypocrisy. Make no mistake, it's a backlash. It's just a backlash spearheaded by the absolute worst people at the worst time. "Hey, join us, we'll do away with all this forced, phony virtue signalling. Aren't you tired of being shit on by these wimpy middle-of-the-road moderates?"

This Alt-Right type of posturing fills a void of self-worth they just weren't getting elsewhere in the fandom but that many of us can relate to: the need to be right about something and secure in the knowledge that we're on the right side even when everyone else is crazy.

I don't think we should lose sight of the fact that furry itself is still basically a fringe subculture. So Alt-Furry is really about as fringe as it gets. It shouldn't be this hard to denounce something this pathetic and small - unless you feel pathetic and small and that's where the shred of sympathy you feel comes from. And I've felt it too. Difference is, I'd rather know I'm right that settle for the illusion.


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