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Fred had a lot to say about the "controversies" involving our conventionas, much of it based on the fabricated information about promoting the convention to the "gay community" and not censoring adult furry art. He went into detail about the problems with the Buena Park Hotel (ConFurence 8) that were resolved, with ConFurence 9 being the largest furry convention at that time. His history of the Confurence conventions is full of inaccuracies and character assassinations of myself and Rodney. As to the history of ConFurence, we were willing to help him with his book but we never were officially involved. I'm curious about where he got his information, and if he even bothered to check it for accuracy. This has been a problem for Fred for many years (even before furry fandom existed). He loves to add controversy to his attempts at recording fannish history. Rodney and I started furry conventions, successfully negotiated hotel deals, and provided furry fans with a place to gather and do business for 11 years. No amount of exhumed trash talk can change the facts of history.

American Pine Marten


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