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I unfortunately did not have access to my Rowrbrazzle convention reports when I wrote this book. I was in my convalescent hospital by then, while my copies of Rowrbrazzle are at the University of California at Riverside's Rivera Library, 75 miles away. But I remember the furry conventions that I attended and that I wrote the Rowrbrazzle con reports about -- ConFurences, ConFurence Easts, Conifur Northwests, Further Confusions, and one Anthrocon, from 1989 to 2005 when I had my stroke. I relied on my memories plus what online research I could do. WikiFur was a great help, especially for specifics like the names of guests-of-honor, official charities, and so on. Where WikiFur didn't have the information, I wrote to convention chairs and other committee members, or attendees of those conventions. Several fans posted their con reports online.

I tried to report what happened at the conventions, and what was perceived to happen. In a couple of cases, the chairmen of those conventions objected that what I reported wasn't what really happened, or wasn't what was intended; but I reported what the attendees thought had happened and said in their con reports. I tried to report both stories when I could.

I owe thanks to a lot of con committee personnel who looked up old records to answer some of my questions. Contrariwise, some people said that I was asking about what had happened years ago and they couldn't be bothered to look it up. Many conventions never answered me at all -- you can probably tell which ones by which conventions have information missing in my book. One particular thanks I own is to Tibo, the chairman of most of the ConiFur Northwests in Seattle. All of its artwork had been taken offline long ago, but he dug out an old Program Book and scanned its cover to send me for publication.

Fred Patten


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