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I should start out by saying I'm not looking for sympathy or a pity party, I'm just sharing my perspective on things.
I just regret the atmosphere of meanness that I bred, it even fostered the Burned Fur movement, all of those were from Yerf. After I left, it was just like-minded people that just stomped all over people's feelings.
I just wish I could go back and do it over, and be more inclusive.
Also it's just funny to me that I'm the one that started such a clean site, when I'm so very very much the opposite of a prude now. I feel like I'm on the wrong side of history.
When I go to cons, the people that I can find that were from the old days don't want anything to do with me. They probably remember what a jerk I was back then and figure I'm still like that.
I took 15 years off from the fandom, and I've figured out that I just have to start over from scratch as far as social connections go.


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