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I mean, yes, do the fucking interview (these fursuiters were actually fantastic, and I'm not angry at them, and this interview, kind of like the fandom history book cover, is dredging up a real grievance slightly misaimed), and clearly the interviewers weren't going to not bring it up. But the truth of the matter is people hate fursuiters for this, and if they don't start realizing this and start making an effort to stop and say, "Can we talk about something else for a minute" people are going to continue to hate them.

Because the idiot interviewers obviously have no idea that not only do most furries not actually wear suits, wearing animal costumes is not the point of furry fandom, and this. Is. A. Problem.

Yes, when a comic convention gets covered, they cover the cosplay, but they at least recognize that these people read comic books.


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