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Actually I did, but all it looked like to me was opinions and anecdotes which, while not entirely worthless, are something you need an awful lot of people saying essentially the same thing before the apparent inconsistency on PayPal's part becomes more, well, apparent. And it surprised me that up until now I'd never heard too many complaints about PayPal, at least of this nature. I'm all too aware of private companies becoming self-appointed culture-warriors and basically trying to act like governments but I'd never heard of PayPal being one of them. I'd heard of them freezing funds for sketchy reasons and fucking up in other ways but never essentially banning people for drawing the wrong thing.

From what I read in the links you provided I guess Bad Dragon/FurryNetwork has an alternative or is working on one so maybe that's why I never heard more, if the word got out quickly enough that PayPal can't really be trusted to be clear and consistent with their policies, people would've just jumped to whatever alternative(s) is available instead of kicking up a stink.

You'd think there'd be at least one service out there whose policy boils down to "as long as it's not illegal and we get our cut, we won't play God with people's money or their products" because I'd assume that's probably what most people want. The idea that furry artists of all people should need to resort to the black market and/or the deep web to just do what they do free of interference sounds ridiculous to me. But trusting PayPal if any of this is even remotely true sounds even more ridiculous if people who draw cartoon animals having sex have to talk about possible workarounds and loopholes.

I wonder how many furry artists could probably be supplementing their income right now but aren't just because they're paranoid about all the bullshit they'll have to deal with from people that really ought to have nothing to say about what perfectly harmless things (really little more than ideas when you get down to what art is) consenting adults exchange money for. Besides me, I mean. But yeah I'll definitely do some more Googling because I could certainly use more things to rage about...


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