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The Chinese don't give a shit about their own culture. There's stories about the cultural revolution, how the youth revolts that were basically co-opted by the soon to be Communist dictatorship went around destroying priceless art because it represented the old regime. That art usually represents the culture and heritage of a people more than the party in power at the time it was made is usually lost on dimwitted Neanderthals which is why ISIS also has destroyed ancient artifacts belonging to its own people.

In between this response and the last one I decided to brush up on what little information is available about how China handles furry and anthro things because I remembered some years back there was some shit floating around the fandom about them supposedly banning anthro cartoons. They actually had only banned new foreign works that featured both live action and animation together (like Roger Rabbit and Space Jam) and even that was for purely economic reasons. Basically they wanted to reduce the impact (read: competition) Western works have on their own market. Of course, they had to word it like this:

"CGI and 2-D characters alongside human actors jeopardize 'the broadcast order of homemade animation and mislead their development,' according to a report from the state-run Xinhua News Agency." Which makes it sound like Retardese a vague, stereotypical statement about upholding vague, stereotypical cultural values which don't even actually exist. I think the Chinese must have their own equivalent of "Make America Great Again" kinds of statements that sound profound and brave but really mean jack shit apart from what you want them to mean (except that you can guarantee they always mean the worst thing they could possibly mean).

It also turns out there's some Chinese company making knockoff fursuits and using our fursonas to do it. Who knows, maybe some or even all of the suits the author saw came from that same company. But the fact it wasn't even a real convention kinda says it all. No culture, just commerce. How do you say Viva La Revolucion in Engrish?


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