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The problem for me is I just trust Archie more than I trust Sega with the direction of Sonic. Can you blame me? Sonic Boom is pretty bad. The Sonic anime was not awful, but it was largely a souless cash grab trying to keep Sonic relevant in the age of Pokemon and Digimon. That was the whole reason for them being in the human world with Chris being shoved into the story. Just so kids could have their self insert character and pretend they were going on adventures with Sonic and the gang. That was stupid and patronizing. Sega thought kids couldn't just enjoy a great story, they needed their Ash Ketchum/Taichi Kamiya self insert.

I have not been interested in a Sonic game in years. It's the same cast of characters doing the same stuff over and over. At least the RPG Sonic game tried something different. Yes, it is shameful that they haven't used the far superior supporting characters created by DIC and Archie. If it is indeed Japanese pride that prevented that, then they deserve to fail.

I suppose they might surprise me but I don't have high hopes for where Sega is taking Sonic without Archie. Creativity at Sega has been spiraling downward ever since they gave up on the console market.


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