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Color me pessimistic about how that'll work out. Furry's "political climate" changes with the whims of whatever sensationalist media (and downright yellow journalism) enough furries happen to be following at the time and it changes constantly. If furry becomes more alt-right, is Vivisector going to an about face and go alt-right just to conform? of course it's ridiculous to assume that would happen at all, let alone that it would sustain itself for more than a few years. In the past we've had Burned Furs, Confurvatives, Tea-Party furs, and the alt-right is just the latest iteration of a reactionary populism that has to reinvent itself every few years. Is Vivisector going to do the same, only aping the antifa cause until that too gets played out? At the snail's pace furry sites seem to learn, adapt and change according to the times, I'll be pleasantly surprised if they even have a new site before that too runs its course.

The one redeeming quality Vivisector had was that it held nothing back in divulging the hypocrisy, sickness and banal cynicism of some of fandom's elites and "popufurs", as well as revealing backgrounds of the sketchier characters on the fandom's fringes. But it ruined whatever good will it might've had for those efforts by being an incredibly toxic atmosphere and yet another forum circle jerk that people had already begun to lose patience with years ago. And it had the same deficiency that damns most online furry communities: a very precarious relationship with truth, objectivity, honesty and informed argument.

I'd love to ask PT just why the site was so inactive and what part the site itself had in driving users away. What I'd love more is to see a site like Flayrah pick up where they left off and just do it better because really, all the parts are here: a news site with enough people on the inside to find relevant information, enough objective, rational people in the comments sections that things usually don't become a blatant circle-jerk, and a rating system that allows for a system to let it be known if you're full of shit without devolving into a juvenile shit flinging contest.

Actually, I'd be interested in knowing just how much activity Flayrah itself gets. It's only been recently that I've made it a point to try to check here frequently.


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