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I'm honestly surprised to even see Flayrah bothering with this "story". It was a fringe forum almost no one gave a shit about anymore. I checked very frequently because I have a morbid fascination with not just the kinds of people sites like Vivisector obsessively chronicle, but the way forums as an entire medium are dying as their remaining users seem to live in a state of denial about how much their relevance has declined. At any given time, I don't think I ever saw any more than 30-something people viewing, almost always all guests.

Just the length of time between Vivisector going offline and someone on the few remaining public furry forums (at least that I know of) caring enough to ask where it went says a lot. I think it was about a week before someone on Phoenixed (a site about as far on the fringes of the internet as Vivisector itself in terms of popularity and activity) posted a thread asking what happened, and a few days later before someone on r/furry inquired. WikiFur as per the usual was and so far still is utterly useless at providing any real information and it took them about the same amount of time just to start referring to Vivisector in the past tense.

I might as well post a link to the screencap from some sketchy imageboard (someone on Discord said it looks like 8-chan) someone posted on Phoenixed because crap like this is about as close as most of us are gonna get to answers. But just bear in mind it's cringey as hell and basically hearsay:

My gut tells me there's probably mostly if not complete truth there, though. The thing is, it takes a certain kind of mind to be that dedicated, basically obsessed with this kind of trite bullshit, digging into the personal lives of people that in most cases you have absolutely nothing to do with and are in no way personally effected by. And it's often not a very healthy mind. That's why these sites always have such a sketchy stench about them and why they never last, destroying themselves from the inside out. I say that as someone who knows he needs to get a life and stop caring about this garbage, and to be blunt, that's what 99% of it is. I actually think we really do need a serious, no frills, no censorship, free-speech zone in the fandom specifically for whistleblowers - the kind that feel it's important to tell you, for example, what went on behind the scenes of RainFurrest to allow the years of utter debauchery that led to no hotel wanting to touch it with a ten foot pole. Or, how another con chair/staffer/whatever is a sovcit lunatic who probably shouldn't be allowed to run a gas generator, let alone a convention.

But in practice, that's not what Vivisector was. It was a place for people to gossip and speculate and predict and pretend they're not also pretty big fuck-ups in their own right. And anyone who needs a site like it that badly, if you're reading this, you could always try KiwiFarms. It prances and preens around all kinds of 'tards, 'spergelords and lolcows besides furries! As long as you're okay with knowing that the guy who owns the site himself lives with his mom, who somehow lost her job because of her son's activities and, if you believe EncyclopediaDramatica and several blogs that have been written about him, has some pretty sick fantasies that by the logic of his general userbase make him a likely candidate for a sex-offender registry someplace, somewhere down the road... Yeah...

Anyway this post has gone on too long. Think I'm gonna go look at some more furry art and feel safe in the knowledge that it doesn't make me nearly as fucked up as some people in our own community would like us to think. If any of the writings (and unhinged ramblings) on sites like Vivisector, ED, POE, KiwiFarms or the multitude of imageboards and subreddits out there about us ever has you feeling insecure, please try and take this to heart: These people are massive losers, and they have doxx to prove it.


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