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Five of my top 10 easily qualify as furry (#10 "Sing", #9 "Kung Fu Panda 3", #6 "Finding Dory", #3 "Kubo and the Two Strings", and #1 "Zootopia"). #8 "The Red Turtle" probably qualifies. #4 "Moana" is iffy but it does have the crab, plus Moana's pet rooster. There's no furry content to speak of in the other three (#7 "My Life as a Zucchini", #5 "Koe no Katachi", and #2 "Your Name"). Of those I considered that didn't make my top 10, "The Secret Life of Pets" and "Rock Dog" are definitely furry. "Trolls" could start an argument about what kind of anthro creatures could qualify as furries.


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