The main purpose of the UMAs is to recognize, promote and reward excellence in furry material. By giving the award to a single contestant for many many years you're discouraging creators. The awards becomes same old same old, and why should I even try, it's not like I'm gonna be better than Kyell Gold.
If other contestants (besides the umpteenth winner) don't offer enough quality, there might be the option of 'No Award', which is what the Hugo Awards have been doing.
The main purpose of the UMAs is to recognize, promote and reward excellence in furry material. By giving the award to a single contestant for many many years you're discouraging creators. The awards becomes same old same old, and why should I even try, it's not like I'm gonna be better than Kyell Gold.
If other contestants (besides the umpteenth winner) don't offer enough quality, there might be the option of 'No Award', which is what the Hugo Awards have been doing.