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A lot of well-deserving winners here for sure, but I would make a suggestion.

Rename "Best Anthropomorphic Magazine" to "Best Anthropromorphic News Site"

When I look at the list of nominees and the winner, Dogpatch Press, I don't see a single magazine in them based on how I would define the term magazine, which is a periodical with a volume and issue number, usually published weekly, monthly, annually, or semi-annually.

Dogpatch Press, InFurNation, and Flayrah seemingly publish news stories as they happen, or have daily updates, and would fit the same category as Newspapers or Newsletters.

The others are Podcasts, which are not magazines at all. They are audio streams of news.

Take note I have no issue with any of these sites. Most, if not all are sites full of quality and useful information for the fandom. This is just a snow leopard's two cents. :)


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